
FreeTDS Downloads Main distribution site
Last stable release (1.4.22) Source distribution
Current Release Candidates (directory)
Current Snapshot () .tar.gz
Current Snapshot () .tar.bz2
All files via HTTP Web distribution
Debian packages and BSD ports are available from those distributions. Refer to the User Guide for how to build your own RPM from the source distribution.
Software to Use with FreeTDS
SQSHA swiss army knife command line interface to Sybase/SQL Server. A must-have program.
DBD::SybaseA DBI module for Perl.
ShellSQLRun SQL in Shell Scripts.
PHPPHP has a Sybase API that will work with FreeTDS.
Gnome DBGnome DB has a FreeTDS module.
iODBCA free ODBC driver manager for Unix.
unixODBCFree ODBC Driver Manager, Drivers & Tools.

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